emotional intelligence

All my life, I had only ever focused on the classic IQ. The Flourishing class was actually the first time I had delved deep into the concept of emotional intelligence. After realizing how important relationships are and how powerful our human connections can be, I definitely want to cultivate my emotional intelligence. What’s particularly powerful is that emotional intelligence is such a major factor in determining success. This is, however, not surprising! Life is all about interacting with other people and emotional intelligence allows us to better do so. What I like best about emotional intelligence is its emphasis on not only understanding our own emotions but how our emotions impact other people. When I was hospitalized, I only thought of my own experiences, but when I was released and saw my parents in-person, I saw that it had an impact on them as well. Since learning about emotional intelligence, I’ve put forth my best effort to make sure that my emotions have a positive affect on others.

What do you think your emotional intelligence is? Why is it personally important to you? What can you do to better your emotional intelligence?
